Label Lore


Our aim is to help you on your healthy eating journey by providing you with nutrition information you need to know about the foods you consume. In the current wake of nutrition-related and nutrition-preventable conditions, it is essential that we pay close attention to and make informed decisions about our diet. Label was developed just for that.

We provide information on nutritional contents of your favorite food items as well as new ones you would like to try out. Whether you have a new dietary restrictions or modifications or you would like to make some personal changes to your dietary intake, let us help you on your healthy living journey.

Just input the brand and name of the item and retrieve the data you seek.


Our vision is to become the most comprehensive and trusted online platform for food enthusiasts, professionals, and anyone passionate about food. We aim to revolutionize the way people discover, share, and interact with culinary information, making it easier for them to make informed food-related decisions and fostering a global community that celebrates diverse cuisines and culinary experiences.


Our mission is to provide a user-friendly, informative, and engaging platform that empowers individuals to explore, learn about, and contribute to the world of food. We are dedicated to curating a vast database of culinary knowledge, recipes, and ingredients while fostering a community where food enthusiasts can connect, share their expertise, and find inspiration. Our commitment is to continuously innovate, improve, and adapt to the evolving needs of our users, making food-related information accessible to everyone.


Curate a vast and accurate database of recipes, ingredients, nutritional information, and culinary knowledge from around the world.
User Engagement:
Foster an active and passionate community of food enthusiasts by providing features for discussions, sharing experiences, and collaborating on culinary projects.
Ensure our platform is user-friendly and accessible to people of all backgrounds and abilities, including multilingual support and responsive design.
Education and Inspiration:
Provide resources and tools that empower users to learn new cooking skills, explore diverse cuisines, and find inspiration in the culinary world.
Data Integrity:
Maintain high standards of data accuracy and quality, regularly updating and verifying information to ensure trustworthiness.
Implement AI-driven features that tailor content recommendations to individual preferences and dietary restrictions.
Promote sustainable food practices, reduce food waste, and encourage responsible sourcing of ingredients.
Monetization and Growth:
Develop revenue streams through advertising, premium memberships, partnerships, and e-commerce while ensuring a sustainable business model for long-term growth and service improvement.
Community Building:
Host events, contests, and initiatives that encourage user participation and foster a sense of belonging within the food community.
Data Security and Privacy:
Implement robust security measures to protect user data and privacy, complying with relevant regulations.
Feedback and Continuous Improvement:
Listen to user feedback, analyze data, and iterate on the platform to enhance the user experience continually.
Social Responsibility:
Contribute to charitable initiatives related to food security, nutrition education, and hunger relief